Музыка из рекламы Volkswagen Golf GTI - Sleep Talking

Музыка из рекламы Volkswagen Golf GTI - Sleep Talking (США) (2016)

Отличный сон в новом рекламном ролике автомобилей Volkswagen Golf GTI.

Парень со своей собакой решил немного вздремнуть на диване перед вентилятором. И им снится сон как они колесят на своём новеньком автомобиле по городу. 



A man and his dog are taking a nap on the couch in front of a fan. In his sleep, the man starts grumbling engine noises, pressing his foot on the imaginary pedal, and moving his body as if he is driving around sharp corners. The dog is also in his dream, enjoying the wind blowing through his ears. The dog wakes up to his cheeks flopping in the wind of the fan, and a sleek black 2016 Volkswagen Golf GTI waiting in the driveway for the next adventure.

Beck - Dreams
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